How much do you normally have to pay for a cab ride from Solana Beach, CA, 92075 to San Diego Airport?
- what is the cab fare in Solana Beach ? This is a big question for many people getting to the Solana Beach Amtrak Station.
- Or how much do I have to pay for a taxi ride from Solana Beach to San Diego Airport ?
- Or what does a cabbie charge from Solana Beach to LAX ?
- Or what do Cabs charge per mile in Solana Beach?
If you live in the city of Solana Beach or you'll be arriving to the Amtrak / Coaster Station in the Solana Beach , these are the questions you might have.
Cabs in the City of Solana Beach Charge :
- $3.60 Per mile
- $60.00 per hour (waiting time)
- $3.00 for the initial flag drop ( This is when the taximeter is started )
So, If you need a Solana Beach Cab to go to the Airport look no further than Cheap Ride to San Diego Airport .
With a regular Cab in Solana Beach ( Which is about 23 miles ) , You have to pay ( 23*$3.60+3.00=)$85.00
You can go cheaper . If you are looking for a cheaper cab ride from Solana Beach to downtown San Diego ( Gaslamp Quarter ) or to San Diego's Lindberghfield Airport, You can go Cheaper with " CHEAP RIDE TO SAN DIEGO AIRPORT "
They charge the following flat fees:
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